Mexico CDL License Verification

MVR Report | MVR Check


MVRcheck provides instant driving records for companies and insurance agencies to manage driver risk. There are no setup fees or monthly fees. The Mexico Drivers License Verification can be used for Pre-employment Screening, Insurance, DOT Compliance, and On-going Risk Management.


✔ Country: Mexico (CDL)

✔ Requirements: Subject's Name (First and Last Name), Location of Current Residence, Mother's Maiden Name, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Mexico RFC #, Subject's Address (Address and City), Driver License #, No. Med Preventiva, Location of End User, Reason for Request.

✔ Includes: May include name on license, issue date, license type, license number, and license status.

✔ Time Frame: 3 Business Days

✔ Release Required: Yes + Copy of the front and back of the subject's Driver License.

✔ Pricing: $49.95

Search Notes: Obtained from the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation. This license is called "Licencia Federal de Conductor" and is issued to drivers of public transport or cargo.